Sunday, June 15

Poster Printing... Solved!

I found out recently that an old standby of common printer drivers since Print Shop and C64 days has disappeared from almost all normal printers. That i sthe poster setting. This setting simply allowed a user to take a file that was large and print it out - full sized over several sheets of paper that were then taped or glued together to make one large print out.

Well, good luck finding that feature now. Especially on common (whether expensive or not) HP models. From a choice of over five (!) HP printers and one non-HP on my network at the office, not one had the ole poster print feature.

I was trying to print a rather large Network Logic Diagram. Something one would figure a lot of companies do from time to time. Other people may want to print, say, an 8 foot poster of Lee Marvin holding Angie Dickenson upside down out a window... or something. The concept is the same.

Anyway, for Mac users, problem solved.